Episode 224

206: MAM: Beverly Hills Ninja


March 12th, 2025

59 mins 11 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

This week on the show, we're KICKING off March-ial Arts Month 2025! Ah, new year, same joke. This year's series of shows is starting off with a cult classic for many 90s kids, starring one of comedy's greatest personalities! It's a movie that was loved on the rental shelves, watched on cable, and enjoyed on many a home television set, however the behind the scenes details of the film kind of put a damper on our personal enjoyment of it as adults. All that being said, that doesn't mean the movie still doesn't have it's charm thanks to the all around performance of the wonderful Chris Farley!

It has it's ups, it has it's downs, and we discuss it all when we talk Beverly Hills Ninja this week on the Radkast!