Episode 186

170: Superheroes


May 24th, 2024

1 hr 14 mins 37 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

This week, we revisit another one of our favorite types of documentaries! On this episode, we showcase a doc of oddities where the subject's hearts are in the right place, but their head's are too far in the clouds, and noses are too deep into Comic Books. We dicuss a few folks who roam their city streets equipped with any manner of ridiculous weaponry, constantly being questioned by the police, and are harrassed by drunk people. All of this in attempt to fulfill some sense of duty they have to fight crime and clean up their towns!
They may be well intended, but that doesn't mean these "real life superheroes" aren't delusional. It's the 2011 documentary Superheroes, this week on the Radkast!