Episode 142

128: SLY JULY: Stallone in the 90's


July 10th, 2023

39 mins 12 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

This week on the show, we kick off Sly July by rambling a bit about some of Sylvester Stallone's movies from the 90's! We talk movies like Cliffhanger, The Specialist, Copland, and Assasins...but with a twist. Instead of taking days out of our week to watch through all of Stallone's 90's catalogue, we decided to only watch the trailers for all those movies, and summarize what we think they're about based upon what's presented there!

A little closer to the end, Sly's underwhelmingly less famous brother Frank might just make an appearance into the fray. Whether we're totally wrong, or on the money, we had fun with this concept, and hope you do listening to it!